Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Music Makes You Happy

Last Saturday night just watched The Chours a French movie that I saw one morning. I told Deborah about it and I thought that she would like it. If you'd known me thrity years ago there would be no chance in hell that I would watch this type of movie. It's a really good movie. Music is the soul of life, it makes you happy and can sometimes make a sad place or sad time happy. Music is a big part of our family. Senessa and Natalie were brought up listening to various types of music country music however was not allowed. With marrying Deborah I started listening to everything from Rock to Opera and I have even attended many musicals. I am turning 50 in October. I have started many times writting a journal but have never kept it up. Senessa started a blog and logs something on hers about every two weeks, letting everyone know what is going on with their family. In some ways it is a journal. I think I will do a blog about the years after fifty years old (scary). This will be my intro for my blog. I decided to post this entry because of my wife. Without her and her music influence our lives would be different. So I start my blog with music notes and pictures that make me happy. I hope that I can blog for the next fifty years. Hopefully whoever reads my blog can read it to the end and maybe my children and grandchildren can keep it going!


Jack Todd said...

Looks good Brother Fred!

Love Ya

Ariel said...

As a "adopted" member of your family, I too must say your amazing wife has influenced my life through music as well. So many of my fondest memories center around our families, singing and performing...they are the best memories! I hope you two are well...I miss you guys!

B and J said...

Oh yeah Uncle Fred! I am excited to read all about life after 50! I don't think I will ever be that old but just in case I am excited to learn the finer points from you!